Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing #5

Getting started with RSS

I linked several different websites that I would like follow and receive updates. The first one is The Weather Channel ( It always seems that I do not find out about serious weather till it is occurring. Since I am not subscribed to the Weather Channel, hopefully I will be more prepared.

My sister is going to have her first baby in October and I am going to be an Aunt for the first time. They live in Houston so I will not be able to see the baby as much as I would like. I subscribed to her family blog ( I will be able to keep see updates and pictures of the baby without having to check the website everyday.

The last site that I subscribed to was WFAA’s website. ( I have always loved watching the news and staying current on events that are happening. Now I can quickly go to Google Reader to see if anything new has happened.

This will be so much easier to receive updates on websites without having to go to each site and check. This would be beneficial for a teaching using blogs in the classroom. The teacher could simply go to one website to check all the updates from students.

1 comment:

  1. I think you will love getting information delivered to you! Congrats on becoming an aunt - that is exciting!
