Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thing #1

7 1/2 Habits of a Lifelong Learner

The most challenging habit for me during 23 Things will be Habit #3, viewing problems as challenges. I get frustrated very easy when I am not able to figure out something. A way I will be able to work on this will be to ask others for help, which is also a challenge for me. I can rely on other participants of 23 Things to help me when I am stuck. I will also try and embrace the problems and use them as a challenge to learn.

The easiest habit for me is Habit #6, using technology to your advantage. This is something that I already do. I use technology daily to get information that I need to know. I used it numerous times this past school year to get ideas and to learn new things.

I think the most important habit for this course will be Habit #2, accept responsibility for your own learning. During this course there will not be a classroom for me to sit and learn information from a teacher. I will have to read all the information available, ask others for insight and search the Internet for more information. It will be my responsibility as a lifelong learner to learn as much as I can and use all the resources available.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to a great job. Glad you're with us this summer!
